I Got Laid Off During Maternity Leave


Two weeks before my maternity leave ended, five months before my 10-year anniversary, I was laid off from a company that I love.

It happened on Election Day during a pandemic while on my leave. This didn’t feel good at first.

But I now know that this IS good.

If I spent a decade there, who knows how much longer I would have pushed off my own aspirations in pursuit of someone else’s?

I’m taking my layoff as a serendipitous nudge from the universe that it is time I change directions and do what I am meant to do.

I am sincerely grateful for the time I spent learning and growing with the small team that has become my family. I’m grateful for the hundreds of people I have met because of my role. I’m grateful for the guidance and mentorship I’ve received. And I am grateful for all of those things — the growth, the learning, the people — that I have yet to experience.

So, I will not be returning to work in two weeks. Instead, I will be home with my two lovely children and will work on my novel and other writing projects in those magical moments of stillness.

This is going to be a great new adventure.